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Anne's thigh -- 2001-04-10
I think what I'm missing most in my life right now is having a girl sit on my face. I desperately need to feel a woman's thighs next to my ears. God I love thighs. I look at my friend Anne's thighs once in a while and I just melt. Her smooth skin ripples ever so slightly with the muscles underneath and I think of how soft her skin feels against mine. Anne thinks she has big thighs, but I think they are just right. I've seen some girls out there who hardly have any thighs, and they look like stick figures. I think that I could spend an entire day caressing and kissing Anne's thighs, among other things. The last time I touched her thigh it reminded me why I love them. They were warm, how I love that feeling of warmth. I remember the first time I sat next to a girl and felt her warm thighs next to mine. As a little kid a lot of thoughts go through your head... but the one that I couldn't get out of my mind was how warm this girl's body felt compared to mine. I touch my jeans and they don't fell all that warm. They feel down right cold at times. But her jeans were warm, like a stove, and I wondered if she didn't have a fever. She didn't, but that was the first time I remember thinking how different men and women really are. The fairer sex? I think of them as the warmer sex... the one with warm blood that flows inside of them. The one that loves so completely, while we men only know parts. If there is a God then it is a woman... because women are perfect... and all of men's problems come from the fact that we think women come from Adam's rib. On the contrary, we come from Eve's.

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