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Here we go again -- 2001-05-09
And so the other night's entry was a mess, and so was I. I'm not any better, but I do feel stupid about one thing. The last time I tried to ask HS out I chickened out and felt like a total failure. Well, it turns out that HS wasn't even in her office... so, even if I had found the courage to walk over there, I wouldn't have found her. How do I know? Well, because, as I paced back and forth trying to build some sort of courage up to walk over to her office, I walked to the teacher's parking lot. I saw her get into her car that day last week when I was with Talia. I didn't think of it at the time, but her car wasn't in the parking lot. While on the shuttle I noticed that her car was there this morning, but when I went back in the afternoon her car wasn't there. Not that I was going to go in there and make a fool out of myself again. I told myself that since I hadn't done it last time that there really wasn't a reason to even and make a fool out of myself again.

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