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Various things -- 2001-12-19
Chick Hearn is in the hospital tonight because he had a heart valve replaced. Who is Chick Hearn, you ask? He is the voice of the Lakers, and has been since they moved to Los Angeles from Minnesota. The news says that he is doing well, which I'm glad to hear. I seriously think that the day he either retires of passes away is the day I stop watching basketball. All those games that I saw Magic, Kareem and now Kobe and Shaq, all those nights were painted by Chick's words. Every other announcer out there tries to copy Chick's style, but they can't do it. He's unique. He created the basketball lexicon right off the top of his head. Terms such as Slamdunk, alley oop and dribble drive to the hoop are but a few of the terms that Chick introduced to the game. So, thought it's messed up that Chick's consecutive streak of 3,338 games will end tomorrow night I'm glad that he'll be back soon. (The last game Chick missed was on Nov 20, 1965)

I went to the market today. OK, that's not too exciting but there was a deaf girl who was bagging my groceries there today. I only mention this because I noticed that she had this sad face on her when I walked by. I don't know why she was sad, but now I think I need to find out. I guess that she must feel that people treat her differently because she's deaf. I didn't though. I looked at her when she mouthed "Paper or plastic" and pointed to the plastic bag she had in her hand and said "That's fine." I guess I just want to know why she was so bummed out when she waved bye to me. That look on her face spoke of something... I want to know what.

Well, I got the last of my pictures for my X-mas presents today. I was able to frame them and now I'm ready to give them out. The last picture was the one that I was worried about the most because I was taking pictures like crazy trying to take that perfect picture. Little did I know that I had already taken it. While looking at the picture I had just taken I went back and found a picture I took several weeks ago of a merry-go-round. There's a similar one in my online pictures, but this one is at a different angle. I looked at it and knew that it was the one I wanted to complete the trio of pictures for the frame. I hope the recipients of my X-mas gift like them. You never know.

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