Food is a total waste of time. It's also a big PAIN. My stomach seems to be in constant pain. Hunger pains, followed by stuffed stomach pains, followed by heartburn. Just a endless series of pains affecting my stomach, and I hate it. Seems like these days my stomach feels like it's burning pretty much all the time.It's a horrible burning not only in the pit of my stomach, but all along my throat. And like I said, it seems to be there whether my stomach is empty, or full. A major PAIN. I'm trying to have smaller meals, but my Grandmother is not of the idea of eating less. She loves to cook huge meals, and my stomach is paying the price. Or should is say paid the price. I am eating less. However, now my stomach is still paying the price. As well as my nerves. My Grandmother thinks that I'm sick, or something, because I don't want to eat plateful of foods. So that makes me crazy because I'm not sick. But, there's something about being told you must be sick that only makes my stomach burn more.
If it was up to me I wouldn't eat a single meal ever again in my life. I watch those TV cooking shows and never, ever, get the urge to reach through the screen. I could care less that some chef from highbrow cooking school has won a bunch of awards, I don't want to eat it. Nothing tastes good to me anymore. Even what used to be my favorite foods don't have that zing like before. I rather not eat ever again. But, stupid body needs sustenance. Wish I could live drinking water, or tea. Now that would be good. Alas, that isn't going to happen.