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Harsh Realities -- 2004-03-26
Early Thursday evening my Aunt starts yelling for me from the back yard. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but I quickly ran to see. She found a little bird that was stuck on some part of the neighbor's fence. Somehow it had gotten one of its legs stuck, and it couldn't escape. I ran to it, and got it out of its trap. Poor thing was bleeding. I think it broke its leg trying to get out of the fence. I patched it up, putting a makeshift splint on. At the very least I wanted to stop the bleeding. The bandage did that, and I put it in a birdcage we have. I didn't think it was going to last through the night. The reality is that it might have been there for a long time, struggling to get out. It probably exhasted itself to the point that it doesn't have the energy to fight for its life.

However, this morning it was not only alive, but bouncing around the cage. I took off the bandage and put some of that liquid bandage on its leg, and let it go. There isn't much more I could do. The situation was a hard one. I could have put it back in the cage, to maybe heal up. Or, I do what I did, patch it up, and hope it survives. I let it go because I felt that it probably had a better chance without my help. Besides, watching it bounce around in the cage I realized that it was just going to get hurt in there. So, I let it go.

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