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Online Pet Peeves -- 03.26.05
I have several online pet peeves. One of them is how some people can't get the right template on their online journals. I don't understand where some people get their code, because very often I will find a journal like the one pictured below.

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The background image is eye-catching, but then comes the rest of the code to ruin everything. As you can see, the entire contents is confined to a small strip of words. It is horribly difficult to read something like that. Why even bother with this stuff? What gets me is that I viewed this page on three different browsers, and it looked the same in each of them. Now I ask you, how can someone find this acceptable? I guess they didn't check their own work. What a damn shame. It fits the journal in question though. The author never has anything to say, and writes in some cryptic manor that only she has the cipher for. It's a haphazard manor that makes it impossible to know what she's ultimately talking about, or even care what she's trying to say.

Another pet peeve are these stupid banner ads. Here are two examples.

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The first one knocks me out with the super bad grammar. What the hell does "Send boxer in knockout" mean!? It's completely annoying. The second one is a banner for some of the most annoying, and horrid, cell phone rings. If someone's phone went off with this sound I would throw a chair at them. I can't imagine anyone wanting this sound on their phone. Then again, if you bought it for someone who never answers their cell phone, it might make them answer it. They would rather answer it than have the ring go on and on, annoying everyone within earshot. Another problem I have with this ad is the picture of what I think is a frog. Why does it have aviator glasses on? Why must it look like the most annoying thing EVER?! Some people just make the stupidest things, and subject them to the rest of us. That's super annoying too.

Stupid chain emails are another pet peeve. I got the "We must get God back" one twice in one day. BLAH! Why are things like this written? I notice that all of these "God" chain emails always make things sound so simple. If you believe in God nothing bad will EVER happen to you. If you as much as sneeze, and don't shout out, "Bless you," then you're going to hell.

Also, one of the claims in the letter is that Dr. Benjamin Spock's child committed suicide, which is a fabrication (according to the Urban Legends Reference Page). How can you believe anything else this chain email says, if you believed anything in the first place. The implication here is that Dr. Spock was agnostic, or atheist, and that hence his child committed suicide.

Don't even get me started with this stupid stuff. What's also annoying about this thing is how big the font is on the email (look below).

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Even if you actually wanted to read this thing, you would find the huge font annoying to the point that you would just chuck it in the trash. Which is what I did. But not before it annoyed me. BLAH!

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