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Good-bye and good luck -- 04.16.06
Yesterday was a long day. First a few things happened at work that I have to comment on.

First on the list is that the store's manager was promoted and yesterday was his last day. I only found out after the manager came up to all of us on the floor and shook our hands. He came up to me, shook my hand, said "Good luck" to me, and then moved on to give someone else a handshake. I for one will not miss the guy. It's not that he ever did anything so bad to me, but I just feared being too close to him. He has this malevolent look to his face when he looks at you. I think it's his tented eyebrows that make him look like he's constantly angry. Which might be his default setting, I don't know because I didn't interact with him that often. Like I said, I gave him a wide berth whenever I saw him around. After he left I felt like this huge weight had been lifted not only from me but from the whole store. When he was around I could tell there was a tension in the store. Who knows who the new manager will be. If it's the guy the other workers think it might be then it will probably be an improvement in terms of atmosphere. At least that's what I think. I could get 10X worse for all I know.

The second thing that happened was a little flirting. There was this woman that came in a couple of weeks ago. I started talking to her while I was waiting to get something to eat. I told her that if she was in a hurry she could take my number and I could go after her. She said, "Oh no, I know you only have a little time for lunch." Which is perfectly true, but I wasn't going to eat a banquet of food so I could easily wait a couple of more minutes. Well today she comes up to me at the front desk talking about how she wants to exchange something. Sure enough she does her shopping and goes through the line I was working. I do a little more flirting and ask her her name because, as I said to her, "I'm at a disadvantage because you know my name but I don't know yours." I know, pretty damn slick huh? NOT! Anyway, turns out she has a huge rock on her ring finger, which fucking sucks because she's pretty hot and nice. Oh well, it's still fun flirting with her even if she is married. I thought about being super fucking bold and asking her out even though I drive a twelve year old Subaru and she drives a Porsche Boxer.

The third thing that happened today was more of an internal thing. During lunch I started to think about where I was and about this lousy job I'm working and the ugly thought came to me -- what if this is as good as it gets? What if I'm not good enough, or worthy enough, to move from my current station in life to a higher station? I'm not getting any younger and I'm pretty much just starting out (again). The first time around wasn't so great, so what makes me think that my smarts are going to help me this time around? Having a 127 IQ doesn't guarantee that I'm not going to end up working at this kind of job for the rest of my life. I'm pretty sure that most of the people working where I work didn't see themselves working at a supermarket for 20 years. I seriously hope that getting my degree will help me lift myself from the doldrums that is my current station in life. Because good or bad I need to escape this job as soon as possible. I don't want to get caught in the malaise that permeates this job like a bad odor permeates a bathroom.

Maybe what I'm saying is that I think pretty highly of myself, probably because I've always been told that I'm special and unique. Special and unique people shouldn't be bagging groceries, right? Maybe that's my lot in life though, to bag groceries. If that's the case I'll see you on the other side because I'd rather just go away than continue the path of eternal servitude.
End Communication.

And now before I go today's picture of the day entitled "Dark Bark Tree." Enjoy.

End Communication.

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