So yeah, it's my birthday today (Sunday), as you can see from the photo of my birthday cake above. My bland, insipid, birthday cake. Thankfully, the b-day wishes you all sent were not insipid or bland, but quite kind and thoughtful. Those are the things that made my day, not the gifts or the bland cake. I want to thank everyone who called, texted, emailed, posted a comment on MySpace, and IMed me their birthday well wishes. Honestly, the outpouring was moving and I want you to know that I appreciate you taking time to send me well wishes. :) So Saturday I walk into work and right away they put me on a cash register. I spent all but 20 minutes of the next four hours on the register. The time went by surprisingly fast, to tell you the truth. I arrived, and when I turned around it was time for my break. After coming back from my break I turned around and it was nearly time for me to go to lunch. I guess you can say I'm feeling a little more comfortable behind the register. Still, there were a couple of times I forgot to scan some coupons. I suck. I felt really bad about it, but people throw these coupons at me, and, yea, they expect me to know what the hell I'm doing. Meanwhile I've pretty much been thrown to the wolves when it comes to this. It's typical of this job of mine, where I'm expected to know how to do everything without actually being explained how it's done. ARGH! The following is a picture of my radio. It's in pieces because I'm trying to fix the speaker on it. I bought the radio about two and a half years ago. In that time I've played the hell out of it, basically playing it about five to six hours a day. It comes on as soon as I wake up in the morning, follows me through my morning shower. When I come back from school or work I play the Stern show through it until the show is over (which is usually about five hours). It's a wonder that I hadn't dropped it until last week, when I was leaving the shower. I went to get it when I hit it and dropped it. Right away I could tell something was wrong with it because the sound was different. I opened it up and saw that the speaker magnet was loose. Well, I taped up the magnet, but I knew I would have to fix it later. So, today I took the radio apart and tried to repair the speaker again. The radio is a damn good radio, and I would hate to have to try and replace it. Firstly because a new one of the same model would cost me over $150. Second, I don't have $150. The weather here in Southern California has turned absolutely perfect, as it does so many times a year. Saturday was such a perfect looking day, without a cloud in the sky, and a sky so blue you'd think it was a pool. About the only thing that sucks is that the days are growing shorter. Still, I was getting a little tired of wearing shorts. I rather miss my jeans for some reason. Oh great, it's nearly half past 11pm and I'm starting to feel some hunger pains. It's as if my stomach knows that I'm going to go to sleep and says, "Nope, not before you fill me up with stupid food." BASTARD! I best take care of this. End Communication. |