Monday was apparently bitch/bastard day. Maybe it�s just that EVERYONE seems to be getting stupider and stupider by the minute these days. Maybe it was because it was the first day of the week. Whatever the reason I was ready to tell everyone to go to hell today. The customers were stupider than usual, which makes them pretty damn stupid. The managers were stupid, and my co-workers were assholes. There�s this one guy in particular that got me mad today, Leo. Let us call him Leo-bastard from now on. He saw me struggling by myself on the last machine without a bagger and he still didn�t come over and help. But he did help himself to half my sandwich for his lunch.Leo-bastard has this attitude that the world is after him, and is out to get him. Meanwhile all of us working at crappy Ralph�s are struggling, even the managers. I see how customers beat up the managers every day. Sometimes I feel bad that I have to send a clearly stupid customer to a manager because I know they�re going to get verbally beat up. Then this Leo-bastard character shows up and doesn�t do his work. For some reason they are giving people fewer hours, so it�s harder and harder for people to make ends meet. I wonder if it�s some sort of company wide thing to prevent paying us too much, considering that we got a pay raise on the last contract. I�ve yet to see a dime of that raise though. If anything I see less money these days. It�s so damn frustrating. Then on top of that I have to deal with a dummy that doesn�t want to work. He asked me if I could work for him on Friday, but fuck that shit. He�s either going to have to work or call in sick, I�m not covering his shift. Not after how he ignored me while I drowned in customers having to run the register AND bag the customer�s groceries! OMG, it�s a good thing I didn�t care if they waited. I took my time and if someone complained about my line being slow I could just point out how I�m all by myself. I�m ALWAYS by myself.
The universe is definitely telling me that I need to �upgrade� my life. Not just telling me, but literally screaming it. I was watching �Grey�s Anatomy� Saturday, a little mini-marathon of shows I haven�t watched in a month. The main theme of one show was settling for something that isn�t entirely right for you out of fear. It�s perfectly understandable that we would have that fear. Still, I�ve been trying to upgrade my job and my life for a while now and it has been a slow process. Sometimes so slow that I wonder if I�m making any strides at all. I�m probably not.
End Communication.