This week was pretty pointless, like every week of my life it seems. My problems stem from one thing, not having any money. I�m living on the edge on a part-timer�s salary. I�m paying for things in the past, like actual bills from the past I mean. There was a period of time in which I lived off my credit cards, because I wasn�t working. Now that I�m working I�m paying those bills off, but then new ones get piled on top of those old debts. Friday night I came home from work to find a reminder that yet another bill is coming soon... my student loan. I paid for the first semester of this stupid library school experiment out of pocket, because I had the money from my Father�s house selling. But I still needed more money, hence the loan. Well, even though I�m not going to school I still had to spend that money. I wanted to keep most of it so I could pay it nearly all back. However, I still had that huge debt from the plumbing bill a year and a half ago. That bill went from zero percent to something like a 22% interest rate. I was not going to be able to pay that off any time soon, or even keep up with the minimum payments. So I used the loan money to pay for the other loan. Now the student loan has come to roost... $8,500. They want the first installment next month. December 7th will be my Pearl Harbor day, because I have no idea how I�m going to come up with ANOTHER $100 to pay for that loan. I�m already at the edge now. I have a couple of bucks in reserve for this loan, but that will only last me for a few payments. I need to find a third job. But what I really need to find is a way to sell my photos while working a better paying job. That�s the only way I can start to make headway against this mountain of debt I have accumulated over the years. Jeez, what I am to do?* * * * * * On a totally different subject... How come whenever someone dies they only thing anyone can ever say about them is that they were �nice� and that they were �so funny?� Not everyone is THAT funny. Not everyone is THAT nice. Whenever there�s a news story about how someone tragically died those interviewed always say the same bullshit about the person who died: �They were so funny, they always made me laugh.� Yeah, sure, that�s the only thing they can say about them because they didn�t really know them. You can�t really know a person completely. But to say something so generic makes me sick. Also, death whitewashes the person. Because how come no one on the news every says, �Man, that guy was a real jerk. I�m glad a car hit him.� Know why, because no one wants to say anything negative about the dead, and because people are phony. It�s suck bullshit. * * * * * *
Since AT&T is screwing me over with my unlimited data plan I figured that I would use my iPhone�s data whenever possible, as as much as possible. The photo above shows my data usage trend over the last few months. Notice the upwards trend. What you can�t see if this month�s trend, which is MUCH higher than any of these months. I jailbroke my iPhone last week, after having to suffer four days without home internet and phone. My only connection was from my iPhone, but I couldn�t use that to connect because AT&T charges an extra $20 a MONTH to turn on tethering. By jailbreaking I went around that restriction and by downloading a little app called MyWi I can create a wi-fi hotspot with my iPhone. I use that to connect my old iPhone to the internet, streaming Pandora while I�m driving to and from work. And I�m also using Netflix a lot these days. In the first four days of this bill cycle I�ve used 393MBs of data. Projected that means close to 4 gigs of data used this coming month. In short... suck it AT&T! I plan on getting every bit of data from my $30 plan from now on. End Communication. |