OK, fortune has shown on me since the �Incident� with TheGirl caused me to change my life in earnest. Since that time I�ve turned things around. The new car is one of the major pieces of the new puzzle. And I mention the new car because last night I officially named the car. We had dinner at Pie n Burger in Pasadena. Afterward we walked around the Cal Tech campus. On our way back I mentioned to her that the front runner name for the car was Crocket. A name of a fictional character from the TV show �Miami Vice.� I LOVED that show growing up. I got so swept up in the show, and never missed an episode. My friend Chet and I were huge fans, and we walked around town pretending to be Crocket and Tubbs. Well, now I can drive around town in my Honda Fit named Crocket. Good times.* * * * * * Now that I have Crocket I worry that I�ll eat too much and not get enough exercise. It�s a valid concern, since the main reason why I lost so much weight lately is because I was doing so much walking. Sure, it tired me out, but it kept me from eating too much, and also what I did eat would be burned off.Now I do have cause to worry, because pictured below is a huge sandwich that I purchased at Jersey Mikes, a new sandwich franchise that�s sprouting all over Los Angeles these days. The one I visited was in Pasadena, and I ate there because I was on my way to my San Marino job after working my Glendale job in the morning. I stupidly forgot to bring a lunch from work, hence I was �forced� to eat this huge sandwich. As for my rating on the sandwich I have to say that it was pretty good. The fact that it was swimming in oil and vinegar saved the rest of the pedestrian sandwich. I mean come on though, what can be done to a sandwich that�s going to chance it completely into some crazy gastronomic pleasure. Will I go back, is the question. I probably will, but I�m not rushing out to Pasadena because I have to have one. If I�m in the area, and I�m not in the mood for Chipotle (which is a block away), then I might have another Jersey Mikes sandwich. * * * * * *This Thursday I take over the delivery van duties at the Glendale job. It�s a big step because I get to not only drive around a pile of books. I also get to work on the circulation desk. But mostly I get paid a little more. Not much more, but the boss is giving me hours while she takes hours away from other people. Part of me hates that, because they deserve hours as much as I do. But, another part of me knows that they aren�t taking hours away from them just because. They feel I�m up to the job, and they might think the other person isn�t. Either way, I intend on doing a good job and getting paid. I had to drop my San Marino hours, because they conflicted with the new Glendale hours. But Tuesday nights were a drag because I had to do passports at San Marino. And honestly, I don�t remember how to do them right. I�m afraid I�ll forget one little/major thing and the person won�t get their passport on time. Or at all. I asked my supervisor to see if anyone is willing to switch with me so I could �double dip,� so to speak, and work both jobs in the same day. One in the evening and the other in the morning. We shall see if he finds someone to switch with me. If not, oh well. I�m going with the Glendale hours because I�ll be paid more. The good thing is that I might have something lined up for Mondays. So I�ll cash in on that as well... if it comes to fruition. * * * * * *Lastly, the other day my buddy and I went to the mall to walk off our delicious meal of enchiladas (pictured below). Anyway, the thing I wanted to share is a video I made of a trackless train that was circling the interior of the mall. Here�s video of the train. I thought it was cute, and immediately thought to invite TheGirl to ride it. But the cost, $3, is nuts. I get it, it�s a business and they want to make a few bucks. But man, $3 for one circuit of a kinda tiny mall is way too much money. Still, it�s cute. End Communication. |