This weekend I turned forty. It�s hard to believe, because I certainly don�t feel forty. Although, there are days when I barely have any energy to do anything, and I feel eighty. More on that later.* * * * * *
![]( Friday night, night before my actual birthday, TheGirl and I dressed up really nice and went to the Magic Castle. They don�t allow photos, or I would have a million photos of the place. The interior of the building is a maze of rooms and bars. It seems like there�s a bar in every room in the house. Not wanting to feel out of place I had one, or three. The rooms are pretty crazy. Dinner was nice. I didn�t want to spend too much money, but it turned out nearly everything cost over $30 a plate. So I went with the New York Strip. It was good, but I�ve had better. After dinner was the magic show. I was pretty sloshed from all the booze by that point, but the ladies besides us bought TheGirl and I Jager bombs. Nuts, simply nuts. TheGirl had to drive us home. The next day, Saturday, I felt bad. Not hungover, but kinda similar. I didn�t want to throw up, but I had a slight headache the whole day, and I felt weak. But then again I�ve had a lot of these �feel weak� days lately. I�ll have zero energy, and even a Coke or some kind of soda won�t bring my energy level up enough to not feel like I�m going to drop at any moment. :( That aside, Saturday was cool because TheGirl and I went to Wood Ranch. I got recognized by the waitress there for a visit I made to some sushi place in Pasadena over a year ago. Pretty random. TheGirl told the waitress that it was my birthday, and for that she brought out a hot fudge sundae. Then TheGirl took me to Farrell�s ice cream parlour, where she told them that it was my birthday and I got a free hot fudge sundae. We then went back to her place to watch The Godfather. All in all a great day. * * * * * * Some random thoughts: How much energy drink does a person need during the day? I went into Target, and the guy in front of me in line had a double size Red Bull and a four pack of Monster. What got me is how much he was yawning while waiting for his turn. I went to sleep late, and woke up early because I had to pee. And even I�m not yawning every other second.Strangely enough, a few minutes before heading to the checkout line there were a couple of guys asking where the cold energy drinks were. What gives? Why do people need so much �energy?� Are we somehow lacking in energy, and have to supplement it with these horrible drinks? * * * * * * Yesterday I got a letter from Discover, which is one of the many credit cards that was charging me an arm and a leg in interest. And which I recently paid off. Well, the letter says that since I�ve done an outstanding job managing my credit my credit limit has been increased. HA! Bullshit, they just want me to get into debt with them again. Well you know what? No way! They can keep their credit increase for all I care. Fuckers! Where were they when I was drowning in debt and the high interest rates they were charging was the main reason why I was in the dumps? Exactly... they can go fuck themselves! That is all.End Communication. |