I�ve been sick from what is best described as a cold. It started two Sundays ago when I got home and felt run down. I can say that I�m finally on the mends, but I�m still not 100% yet. As of right now I still have a persistent cough. I�m off the meds, but I think that I�m going to take the remaining dosage of the first medication I was given. See, I was so sick that the first round of antibiotics didn�t help me feel any better. The doctor put me on stronger meds, and those really did do the trick. Although, they seemed to have left a little bit behind, because I still have this slight chest pain and a cough. :( TheGirl nursed me and took me to the doctor. Without her I would probably be dead, because there was no way I was gonna be able to drive myself to the doctor the way I was feeling. I missed nearly a week of work, which sucks because they don�t pay me unless I work. Couple that with the price of the doctor and medication and we�re talking a lot of bucks. But, as long as I�m back to my old healthy self it doesn�t matter. * * * * * *TheGirl and I were discussing Thanksgiving plans. She wants to be alone because of what her son did. TheGirl had plans to go over to her son�s girlfriend�s house and cook a nice big meal. I was to come over and have dinner with TheGirl, her son, his girlfriend, and perhaps a couple of other people. But then TheGirl�s son said that I wasn�t invited. The ex told TheGirl�s son not to spend time with me, because I�m the bad guy who broke up their �happy� home. Which of course is bogus, since their home was not happy. The relationship was over, TheGirl just hadn�t made that final move until she was forced to do so. Anyway, TheGirl then said that if I wasn�t invited than she wasn�t invited. And began the spiral of ill feelings, not towards me, but towards her own son. Whatever the problems in their family TheGirl is not the villain in this whole thing. She wasn�t happy, she left, and of course the ex is bitter. But for her own son to side with the ex, who isn�t even his biological father, is pretty low. Blood is thicker than water. Even if her son thinks she did something wrong, it�s not a good idea to side with the ex. That is treason, it�s a betrayal. Not inviting me is his prerogative, to be sure. But he has to know that making that decision because the ex asked him to is pretty spineless. I would respect TheGirl�s son if he just said he didn�t want me there. But to say that it�s because he was told not to have me there is what I have the problem with. Believe me, Thanksgiving means absolutely nothing to me. Our family has never �celebrated� that holiday. I�ve gone over to friend�s houses a few times over the years, but I don�t get the big deal. Perhaps now that I�m an �orphan� it means even less. Everyone I cared about is gone, so there�s no reason to participate in a holiday meant for family. All I know is that TheGirl was hurt. She now wants to spend most of the day alone. I told her the other night that doing so hurts me because it feels like she�s just caring about her feelings and not mine. I told her that I didn�t care where we were that day, as long as we were together. She said that she was sorry, and that we could hang out most of the day. But, that she still needed some time to herself to deal with a few things. That I can respect. What will happen this Thanksgiving, I don�t know. I�m not holding my breath, but neither am I just going to sit here. If she decided to go away for that day I was going to do the same. I didn�t know where I would go, but I figured that two could play at that game. I don�t think I�ll have to now, thankfully. End Communication. |