Since last I wrote I�ve been getting better. I still can�t say I�m 100%, because I still have a slight cough that comes on once or twice a day, but is still pretty nasty because I still have what I call a �frog� in my throat. In short, I�m like 98% well, but that last little 2% is lingering. I told TheGirl that if I don�t get well by next Monday that I might have to visit the doctor again. It was an empty statement because unless I get sicker I�m not going back to the doctor�s. I simply can�t afford it. I�m sure I�ll get better in due time. If not... well, it was nice knowing you all. Speaking of that, thank you to fellow Diaryland loyalist �Englishsucks� for her concern about me. She was concerned enough about my health to post a note on my Diaryland account to see if I was doing OK. Thank you! Also since last I wrote my external hard drive died and I had to pay to get the data off it so I could have some very important files back. Data recovery is expensive. In this case, $725 expensive. But, I have my data back and a new strategy to keep my stuff backed up so I don�t lose important files. I�ve spent too much money this month. What with two doctor visits, meds, and then the data recovery, I�m surprised I have a dime left in my pocket. Oh wait, I only have $3 in my pocket. :( * * * * * *
And now on to some observations. I saw a commercial for this Pizza Hut meal that includes a pair of pizzas, some kind of bread, and something else. I forget right now. Probably because I�ve had a little to drink before bed tonight. But anyways, the meal deal is pictured above. OK now that I look at it again I can see that they have a pair of pizzas, bread sticks and some chicken wings. All for the low, low price of $20 bucks. I hate to say it, but the price does make it appealing. Somehow I always go to these places though and get charged WAY more than the �deal� states. I�ve gone to other pizza joints that promise a $10 large pizza with who knows how many toppings. Only to have the clerk behind the counter tell me that I ordered something slightly different and it would cost me $17 instead of $10. At that point I�m starving, and I feel like a dope, and I would feel stupid if I left. But in reality I should just leave and say �fuck you� bastards, I�m going somewhere else. But I don�t, probably because of the previously stated reasons and because a burger and fries cost almost as much as a pizza these days. I�m not one for wings, but isn�t most of what�s in this �meal deal� just bread? The crust, and the bread sticks? I mean come on, I�m paying for bread. Whatever! I still may try this crazy �meal deal� eventually. But if not, oh well. * * * * * *
Late last week I went to my window and saw this crazy fog outside my house. I HAD to take a picture of it, and it�s above. The picture is close to what I saw in reality. The fog seemed super thick, and really clung to the ground. The sky above was still visible, but it was harder to see at eye level. I liked it, anyway. We so rarely get fog around here that it has become a novelty to me. * * * * * *Now the Thanksgiving report. The girl went out by herself to commune with nature in the morning. My morning was spend with my aunt and my Godmother. It was nice, but all I could think about was TheGirl. Thankfully TheGirl came back in the early evening and we got to spend the second half of the day together. I Love that woman. It certainly wasn�t the ideal Thanksgiving, but that�s not her fault. I don�t like Thanksgiving because I think it�s phony these days. It looks like most people force themselves to spend time with family, a family the supposedly to love. But whatever, to each their own. Time for me to get some sleep. Long day today, shorter but still long day tomorrow. End Communication. |