First trip back on the delivery route since last week�s run-in with the firefighter�s car. I was kinda afraid that the firefighter was going to come out and say something like, �Good job, idiot.� But it didn�t happen. I�m pretty tired right now, so I probably won�t make this too long. There isn�t really much to report tonight anyways. This week has been pretty much a standard week at work. No more crashes. Ha! Tomorrow night TheGirl is going to Disneyland with her daughter and I�m going to meet up with her for dinner afterwards. Good times. But, the only problem is that I have a favorite place to eat at Disneyland, and lately we haven�t eaten there. Probably a good idea in the long run, but at the same time it�s the best meal consistently that I�ve had at Disneyland. And it�s pretty inexpensive compared to other places to eat. I�m talking about The Hungry Bear in Critter country. It�s very likely that we�re going to end up at Pizza port, which is actually one of my least favorite spots. I�ve scoped a couple of other meals near there so I can just walk over to Pizza port and eat with TheGirl and Withanaye (that�s the daughter�s nickname here now). * * * * * *TV channels do something that I think is kinda silly, and actually pointless. They still set-up graphics on the screen for 4:3 legacy TVs, which are the old TVs we used to watch. The aspect ratio for HDTVs is 16:9, which is more rectangular. But I guess TV stations still think that a large enough portion of the audience is watching on the old 4:3 ratio TVs that they put graphics on the screen that can still be seen on the old TVs. But this sort of thing causes problems in the new 16:9 format at times. Case in point, tonight there was a story about a K-9 dog, aka police dog, that passed away. The news had a picture of the �hero� dog and their graphics pretty much made it look like the dog was in hiding (pictured below). Now I ask you, didn�t anyone at the station see this was a problem? I guess not, because it went out on the air like this. Why the source citation couldn�t be on the bottom of this picture is beyond me. Either way, it goes to show you that there are people who simply go to work and don�t really care anymore. And, that no one is minding the store. * * * * * *Lastly, Crockett reached the 17,000 mile mark last week, but today the milage hit a neat looking number... 17171 (pictured below). More when there�s something actually going on. Perhaps after this weekend. Oh, I am writing these days. I�m taking my notes and actually doing some writing. Let�s see how long this lasts. End Communication. |