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Short week, more terrible -- 11.17.12
I told my buddy Vagabundo earlier this week, shortened week was going to beat me up twice as much. Sure enough, it did. I only worked four days this week and for some reason I ended the week super tired. The last hour on the desk on Friday I was pretty much beat. I thankfully got my second wind just about 20 minutes before we closed.

I went with my homeless buddy to get a couple of hot dogs from Costco. The dogs really hit the spot, since I was sent to lunch early and that meant I was starving to death by the time 6pm rolled around. Next to the Costco there�s a Best Buy, and we walked there to use the restrooms. Outside we spotted some tents, that sure enough had people in them waiting for next week (pictured below).

Pretty fancy urban camping, huh?

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Lately I�ve noticed more and more cars drifting into my lane on the freeway. It happens every day, at least once a day, and I wish it would stop. TheGirl told me I have excellent insurance, but I don�t want to test just how excellent it is. My car is tiny (as illustrated by the picture below).

As I was saying, it�s tiny. Next to these two typical Los Angeles cars it is nearly dwarfed. To look at the picture above you would say that it�s roughly half the size of these two automotive behemoths. This may be one contributing factor in the drift. But also, even though there have been laws passed concerning txting and driving people still do it. Hell, they still talk on their cell phones while they drive. I bought a bluetooth thingie for when I�m in the car. Which I rarely use anyway, since I don�t talk to people on the phone very often. Anyway, whatever the reason my response to this drifting is to lean on the horn wherever a car starts moving into my lane. I mean come on, I don�t want to be sideswiped. Another thing I notice is these dopes that have to make a double lane chance on the freeway. These dopes NEVER check the second lane for a car, which is usually me. On Friday morning some dope nearly hit me when he decided he needed to do a double lane merge. One should merge, pause, check blind spot, then merge again.

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We don�t have cable because they were charging me too much for crappy service. All my channels were in standard definition. Also, I was never home to even watch TV, and when I was I ended up watching mostly network shows. Anything else I needed to watch I could do so online.

When we did have cable the Food Network showed this fella by the name of Guy Fieri. A frosted hair fool that to me seemed so completely phony in his appearance that I couldn�t take anything he said seriously. Well, apparently he opened a restaurant in Times Square in NYC, and it�s terrible. Click on the link to the PDF copy of the article in NY Observer for your dose of schadenfrude.

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Lastly, I took myself to LACMA to check out a few things that I wasn't able to see the last time I was there with TheGirl because we were in a hurry and focused our time on the Kubrick exhibit. Mainly I wanted to check out Metropolis 2 (pictured below). For some reasons it doesn't operate continuously, which is why last time TheGirl and I only got to see it "standing still," if you will. This time I was able to watch the whole thing move. The thing is pretty big, as you can see in the picture. The sound of all the cars isn't super loud, as I expected it to be for some reason.

End Communication.

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