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Nursing a cold, and other random things -- 01.06.13
I nursed a cold this weekend. I needed to just do nothing for a weekend, but being sick wasn�t my idea of a good time. As I write this I�m feeling pretty good. Thankfully. I hate when I get one of those lingering colds that stick around for weeks. This one seems to almost be gone. Nevertheless, my colds usually linger even after they seemed to have run their course.

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Here are a few random things that I noticed over the last week.

The above was shown during the Rose Parade. It�s the Los Angeles float, which was pretty neat this year. What I like to point out is what it says under it... that no taxpayer funds were used to build this float. I would think that�s true every year.

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Just before Christmas one of the local channels had a �fashion show� featuring a bunch of scantly clad girls dressed as Santa, or Mrs Claus, I guess. I have to say, these stations should do this EVERY week.

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I haven�t been keeping up with The Simpsons lately, which is a shame since the show has gotten good again. Usually I�m watching Sunday Night football when The Simpsons is on. Now that that�s over I guess I can catch up. But what caught my eye was the above picture of Bart�s review of a restaurant. Funny how we�re all critics nowadays. The next picture is funny because Bart and Milhouse are playing �Satan�s Path.� A game they showed in the past. Good game.

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Next we have the perils of plastic surgery. Look, I�m getting older by the day. Up until about six months ago I had a few grey hairs scattered here and there on my head. Today my head is definitely more populated with greys. I honestly considered doing the �Just for men� thing. But I told myself a long time ago that honesty is the best policy. I see what trying to fight time does to a person. It distorts them inside and out. Case in point, Lorenzo Lamas (pictured below).

By most accounts Lorenzo was a good looking guy. Now look at him! Now look at how plastic surgery messes your face.

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Watched a movie last night called �Fatso,� about an overweight guy who has this pretty girl move in with him. Typically these movies have the awkward overweight guy �triumph� and get the girl. Surprisingly the ending is more realistic than that. I think that�s why I liked the movie. Life isn�t like the movies, that�s for sure. But, sometimes it is.

Right now I�m watching �Young Adult� as I write this. So far, so good.

End Communication.

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