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Exhibit ends, walking Silverlake -- 04.01.12

The last of the month marked the last day of my �exhibit� at The Coffee Table in Eagle Rock. It was a pretty unceremonious end to a month of my pictures being up in public. I didn�t sell any of my prints... oh well. It would have been nice to sell at least one. It wasn�t meant to be, I suppose. Anything having to do with my art seems to go nowhere, and I should be used to that. But this had so much promise: a lot of eyes looking, and the possibility of a pair or two of those eyes wanting to buy my work. Alas, it didn�t materialize. I have my work back, now I just have to put it back up in my room for now.

* * * * * *

TheGirl and I started late on Saturday since we slept in in the morning. She laments waking up so late, but I told her that it�s a Saturday and her day off. Why shouldn�t she be asleep until later in the morning? It�s only fair. After breakfast we drove down to get my work. We didn�t really have any plans for the rest of the day, but since driving through Silverlake I wanted to return there and walk around. You know, explore another part of the city. One I haven�t really done so at all. But by the time we finished with the Coffee Table we were getting hungry again. I made the long trek to the Veggie Grill in Hollywood. Since I took surface streets it took about an hour to get there from Eagle Rock. In that time we got extra hungry.

I�ve had four meals at the Veggie Grill, and it�s become a favorite of mine, as well as TheGirl. She�s like me, she likes one thing on the menu and sticks to that. But I�m trying not to always do that, so I have decided that with the Veggie Grill I�m going to try new things. This time I tried their cheeseburger, El Dorado style. Which means they add caramelized onions and jalapenos (pictured below).

It was super. I have yet to be disappointed by a meal at the Veggie Grill. Damn good food. TheGirl also ordered a side of Buffalo wings, meatless, that I found to be more appealing and flavorful than actual wings. I don�t like Buffalo wings in general, because they have so little meat. It�s mostly the damn sauce. Might as well just drink that out of a bottle.

After lunch we decided to walk off our meals by walking around Silverlake. I wanted to check out the sites, and take a few pictures, and do a little walking with my cute girl. Here she is in front of the many pieces of street art found on the Silverlake portion of Sunset blvd (pictured below).

She�s so cute. I Love her very much. With all my heart really. I�m glad to have her in my life. I wouldn�t want to change a thing. Even our mini break-ups have been worth it at the end of the day. Because we�ve moved passed them to a life shared. All I ever wanted was someone to share this life with. Someone to share the good and the bad. To be there to experience this world with. Simple as that. I have that with TheGirl. And I plan on having that for a long time. Hopefully until I die.

* * * * * *

On a side note to the walking around Silverlake... We went into the 99 cent store because TheGirl needed some stuff. While looking around the store I found this wonderful little toy (pictured below).

And it�s battery powered, so you know your kids will have a million time fun. What�s funny about this is that number one, someone marketed this sort of thing to people in lieu of a real iPad. But the fact that it simply has a mini light inside that lights up is supposed to make it somehow better is what cracks me up. I remember seeing candy containers that looked like a Nintendo Gameboy long ago. At least those had candy. So I fail to get the notion behind this sort of product. At least the fake Gameboy came with real candy. This comes with nothing but a chuckle.

End Communication.

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